The ANZAOMS New Zealand Branch’s Annual Scientific Meeting was held at the QT Hotel in beautiful Queenstown from 2-3 August 2024.
It was an outstanding two days of lectures and social events. Over 100 delegates from Australia and New Zealand came together for the event.
Day 1 focussed on some terrific presentations on research and clinical topics from trainees, registrars and house surgeons.
Day 1 & 2 contained a series of excellent lectures from keynote speaker Professor Ed Ellis III from Texas. Ed is an internationally renowned Maxillofacial surgeon from San Antonio who has major interests in maxillofacial traumatology and dentofacial deformities. He also gave the John Edwards Memorial Lecture.
We also heard from Mr Salil Nair, Otolaryngologist from Auckland, who presented on the many aspects of important cooperation and collaboration between our specialties.
Former Director-General of Health Sir Ashley Bloomfield KNZM who helped guide New Zealand through the Covid pandemic delivered the Sir John Walsh Oration with some fascinating insights into the future of health care and the need for continual incremental improvements.
We thank delegates, speakers and exhibitors for their contributions and support of this event.
Award winners for the meeting
Congratulations to:
1. The Les Snape Award for Best Trainee Presentation – Dr Robert Mane
2. Best Pre-Training Presentation – Dr Danyon Graham